FLORENCE, S.C. — There was a whole lot of turkey going on Wednesday at the Courtney McGinnis Graham Community Shelter — one meal inside for Wednesday and a second meal in the works outside for Thursday.
Wednesday's meal, prepared and served inside the shelter, was presented by Signature Wealth Strategies with help from S/W, House of Hope of the Pee Dee, Coca Cola Bottling Company Consolidated, Victor's, Jimmy John's and CPS LED Lighting.
"We are preparing Thanksgiving meals for folks who might not otherwise get one. I think we're preparing about 400 meals. This is our third year of doing it," said Scott Mitchell of Signature Wealth Strategies.
In the kitchen at the shelter an assembly line of volunteers started with empty foam containers at one end and finished with Thanksgiving meals at the other — complete with turkey, stuffing, gravy and all the fixings.
This is the third year for the lunch....
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